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Модуль 2 по английскому (ТЭП)


Контрольная работа №1
Part-time student – студент заочного обучения
Department – отделение, факультет
study – занятие
break – перемена, перерыв
canteen – столовая
gym hall – спортивный зал
library – библиотека
fiction – художественная литература
term – семестр
equipment – оборудование
workshop – мастерская
to do well – хорошо заниматься
hostel – общежитие

Our technical school.
My name is Peter Ivanov. In June I left school and in August passed my exams at the technical school. My level pass was 9. Now I´m a full-time first-year student.
Our technical school occupies two buildings. It runs full-time and part-time departments. There are several departments at our technical school. Our studies begin at 9 o´clock, usually we have six periods a day. We have a lunch break at 12 o´clock. We have a good canteen and during our lunch period we take meals there. There is a gym hall on the ground floor. Our library is on the second floor. It contains a lot of textbooks and fiction. Our classrooms and laboratories are large and light. Our labs have modern equipment. The workshops are on the ground floor.
The academic session began in September and will end in June. Every day we attend lectures and have practice. I do well because I want to become a good specialist. At the end of the term I’ll take exams and I’ll try to pass them successfully. Some of our students live in the hostel. It is not far from our technical school. It takes them ten minutes to get to the technical school.
1. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:
a) When did Peter finish school?
b) What was his level pass?
c) Is Peter a full-time student?
d) How can Peter get to his technical school?
e) How much time does it take Peter to get there?

2. Прокомментируйте предложения следующим образом: если предложение соответствует тексту, скажите You are right и повторите его. Если нет, то возразите You are wrong и скажите правильный ответ.
a) I am a full-time student
b) Our technical school is not far from our block of flats
c) I can easily get there by bus/
d) It takes me 10 minutes to get there.
e) Our technical school occupies two buildings.

3. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.
a) ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Europe and part of Russia.
b) I´d like to go on ... excursion to ... Crimea.
c) There is ... stadium not far from our ... house.... stadium is ... largest in our town.
d) My brother is ... pupil of ... 8th form and he wants to become ... engineer.
e) ... chemistry is his favourite subject at ... school.
f) ... children like ... ice-cream.
g) Can you tell me ... way to ... theatre?
h) Here is ... book you need.
i) walls of our classroom are yellow.
j) ... butter and ... cheese are made of ... milk.
k) Which ... fruit do you like: ... apples or ... oranges?
l) I go to ... bed at 12 o´clock at night.
m) When will you finish ... school?
n) I get up at 7 o´clock in ... morning.
o) ... England has to import ... raw materials. such as ... timber. ... petroleum. ... wool and others.
p) Many ships with ... grain, ... oil, .... cotton and other goods come to ... London along ... river Thames.

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей.
a) Осень – дождливый сезон в России.
b) Вода и воздух необходимы для жизни.
c) Вечером я пью чай и молоко.
d) Он попросил стакан воды.
e) Ивановы уехали на юг сегодня утром.
f) Молоко слишком холодное, не пей его.

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