Упр.I Переведите предложения письменно:
1. Not knowing all circumstances of the offence it is impossible to understand the motive of the criminal act.
2. The narrowing of the sphere of applying capital punishment is one more step to its complete abolition.
3. Killing a policeman is a serious crime.
4. The problem of capital punishment being widely discussed now attracts attention of all sections of the population.
5. I support the idea of reeducating convicts and preventing new crimes.
6. The investigator succeeded in solving the crime.
7. Everybody was sure of his being given a lenient punishment.
8. They were surprised at his having been released on bail.
Упр. II. Выберите правильную форму герундия:
1. The secretary was sure of … a summons.
a) sending b) having sent
c) being sent d) having been sent
2. He was punished for … goods worth of 2,000 pounds.
a) stealing b) having stolen
c) being stolen d) having been stolen
3. Do you mind my … him about this traffic accident?
a) questioning b) having questioned
c) being questioned d) having been questioned
4. He entered the court room without … noise.
a) making b) having made
c) being made d) having been made
5. He insisted on … his witness.
a) inviting b) having invited
c) being invited d) having been invited
6. We heard of his … to imprisonment.
a) sentencing b) having sentenced
c) being sentenced d) having been sentenced
Упр. III Выберите правильную форму причастия
1. Окончив институт, он начал работать в прокуратуре.
a) graduating b) having graduated c) graduated
2. Слушая речь адвоката, я был поражен его глубокими знаниями дела.
a) listening b) having listened c) listened
3. Заслушав всех свидетелей, судья объявил перерыв.
a) hearing b) having heard c) heard
4. Понимая, что все улики против него, подозреваемый признался в совершении преступления.
a) understanding b) having understood c) understood
5. Человек, совершивший преступление, был опознан свидетелем.
a) committing b) having committed c) committed
6. Публика, сидящая в зале, внимательно слушала речь обвинителя.
a) sitting b) having sat c) sat
информация: Упр IV. Переведите текст письменно
Capital Punishment
Capital punishment was an obligatory element in the life of society throughout humankind´s history.
The application of capital punishment started to shrink rapidly only in the last century and, especially, in this century, in the majority of states. Today, capital punishment has been abolished completely or partially. Partial abolishment means that capital punishment has been left for especially dangerous crimes and for wartime. Usually, it is high treason and killing of policemen in performance of their duty. Quite often, these exclusions are not applied in practice: for example, Britain has capital punishment for high treason, but in the last 100 years it hasn´t been applied in any time in peacetime.
Capital punishment was completely or partially abolished in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and it is not used in 12 states of the USA, but it is still envisaged by the legislation of 127 countries.
More and more countries renounce capital punishment. They do it gradually, as a rule. First, they restrict the sphere of its application by cutting down the number of persons to whom it can be applied. Then they introduce alternative kinds of punishment and stay of execution. Russia seems to follow the same path.
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